Job Opportunities


The Contagion Science program is hiring postdocs and faculty! For more information, check out our postings.


Related Work: Infectious diseases can significantly impact our societies and economies. What will change look like?


Related Work: Disaster response requires innovative thinking. UVA engineers leveraged robotics technology in their response.


Related Work: Together with his team at UVA, Steven Zeichner moves towards the development of a novel HIV Vaccine.


Related Work: A team from the School of Medicine and the Biocomplexity Institute support the CDC as part of a Virginia-based Pathogen Genomics Centers of Excellence.


Related Work: The UVA community has been on the forefront of pandemic response. The Office of the Vice President for Research offers a dashboard for Covid-19 research at UVA.


Related Work: The Biocomplexity Institute’s approach to pandemic forecasting and modeling supported crucial public health decisions.


Related Work: Social contagion involves behavior, emotions, or conditions spreading spontaneously through a group or network. The EB Lab at UVA studies the dynamics and diverse components of social connections and networks.



Our Research

Systems of contagion and potential interventions and solutions span questions of basic biology, medicine, political and social science. Our cross-cutting, interdisciplinary Contagion Science program provides an umbrella for a wide range of existing, unfolding, and novel research questions that address large societal challenges. The program spans multiple UVA schools and relies heavily on information sciences, technologies, and infrastructures to foster and accelerate new collaboration between project partners.

By building on a number of prominent research initiatives at UVA by participating faculty members in the College of Arts and Science, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, School of Data Science, the School of Medicine, and the Biocomplexity Institute, the Contagion Science program aims to generate new knowledge and R&D applications aimed at transdisciplinary research topics spanning from epidemiology, network science and data science, AI, computational social, robotics, biology, and economic science, as well as social and behavioral sciences.

Please subscribe to our Contagion Science digest mailing list to stay up to date with research activities, interesting research, and opportunities for collaboration. If you have specific questions about the program, reach out to our program manager, Lucius Lichte.